When we were in school we were taught that our Physical Health was important. I participated in Jump Rope for Heart and had gym class daily. I had Health Class where we talked a little about exercise and nutrition. Never do I remember talking about our MENTAL HEALTH though.


I often wonder now–why didn’t we learn the skills of how to cope with stress better? Why did we not talk about our feelings? Why could we not acknowledge and talk about if we were feeling SAD, ANXIOUS, DEPRESSED, OVERWHELMED, ETC? We have all heard the expressions…… MAN UP, GET OVER IT, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT, and the list goes on and on….

Now more than ever WE NEED TO BE TALKING ABOUT THIS! We can’t be ignoring the issues and acting like it will just go away….. FEELINGS Don’t just GO AWAY! We need to address the ISSUES! We need to get to the ROOT CAUSES! I have told bits and pieces of our story in this blog. Our family has experienced some of these things first hand. My son struggled with severe anxiety and panic attacks for over 18 years. He felt completely embarrassed and ashamed for years because of it. Anxiety and the fear of having another PANIC ATTACK which would cause him to FAINT held him back from doing so many things for years!

I don’t want another family to have to go through what our family did. I want to be able to FAST TRACK you through all of the confusion and researching and trying to figure out what to do next….I remember being so overwhelmed and I will share more of our experiences as we continue through this BLOG. As a mom, and as a Nurse, my desire is to help other families. For the last year and a half since we have found these solutions for my son and for many others of our loved ones we have been trying to know how to get our story out there….. How can we take the experiences we went through and share with others and have it be a BLESSING? This blog is part of our hope to do that.

Please know that YOU are not alone! We will do our best to help you and share what has helped us! We have tried so many things through the years …Looking back on everything I can say that I feel grateful! I feel blessed. We have had the opportunity to meet so many incredible people. I know without a doubt that God is in the DETAILS of our Lives! He Loves us and is AWARE of us…even in our darkest hours— I will even say ESPECIALLY in our darkest hours. Have Hope and Believe that you can find answers too!

After over 25 years of researching this is what we have found to be the missing LINK for our own family. To learn more about the science of the gut/brain/axis connection click here:


(You can also take a FREE Confidential assessment. There is a link to it under the video.)

If this Mission and Message RESONATES with you and you feel called to make a positive DIFFERENCE in this world learn more about what we are doing here: http://ltl.is/mjPT5

Until NEXT time…..

