1. ”All disease begins in the gut” – Hippocrates
Gut health has been gaining lots of publicity lately. The implications are huge. This quote was given many many years ago and yet it still holds true today. Gut health was the key for helping my wife with her Physical IBS and her mental Anxiety. You can find out more information by reading this article: 5 Warning Signs You Might Have A Gut Issue. You can also read my wife’s story of triumph here.

2. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates
Again, Hippocrates was revolutionary when he said this. There is so much processed food, sugar, artificial flavors, artificial colors, candy, junk food, fast food, high fructose corn syrup and more. We should be eating more fruits, and vegetables. The better we eat the better we will feel. Here is a great info graphic that shows we should eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

3. “Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full recovery and can be used with any treatment. Remember, food is our best medicine!” – Bernard Jensen
This goes right along with quote number 2. We should always try to pick the best option when it comes to food. Sometimes there is fruit before us and also some type of junk food before us. What are we going to pick? Sometimes it is hard to pick the right option or to at least not eat the junk food. With how fast paced our world is now-a-days it can be hard to get all the nutrition, fruits, vegetables, and protein we should. Because of this I take a superfood, seed fiber, and protein powder supplement to help me get the nutrition I need. This makes a world of difference as sometimes I can’t eat massive amounts of fruits and vegetables depending on my schedule. That is the problem many people face. They want to eat well but time, resources, or money keeps them from doing so. These supplements are very cost effective, fast, and very vibrant with nutrition. I absolutely love them! (if you would like to try the superfood, seedfiber, and protein powder I use, you can find it here)
4. ”A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.” – Hippocrates
Can you be effective and serve others, reach your goals, be happy etc., if you don’t have your health. If you are sick and tired all the time it is very hard to be grateful and be happy. I struggled with anxiety for 18 years and let me tell you it was horrible some days. It was hard to work a job. It was hard to do normal daily activities. Life was rough. I remember one day on a family vacation my anxiety was so bad that I thought I was dying. Here is a picture from that day… (I am the second one from the left. You can see my dad holding me up)

So take it from someone who has had horrible anxiety, brain fog and stomach problems nearly their whole life… Quote number 4 is true! If you’d like to read my story of anxiety and the solution I finally found after 18 years you can find it here.
5. ”The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison

One of the most important things I’ve learned is to have a good immune system. It’s like a flood. You need to build up a wall of sandbags so strong, and tall that no matter how strong or how much water comes the wall you have built will keep that unwanted water out. Our immune system is the same way. We need to build it up so that no matter what comes and tries to mess with us our immune system defense wall can defend us from that unwanted ailment.
6. “Eat to live, not live to eat” – Socrates
That whole moderation in all things. Yep. We should do it.

7. ”The best doctors gives the least medicine” – Benjamin Franklin
The healthier we are the less medicine we need right?

8. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise – Benjamin Franklin
Think about the days you have woken up early. How much did you accomplish? Quite a bit huh? If you sleep in then you eat breakfast late. Then you get ready for the day and then it’s lunch time. Then after cleaning up you work for a bit but then your friends are off of work so then you go do something with them. Then, you might as well get dinner while you are out. After that you come home and you feel tired from your long whimsical day. So then it’s back to sleep without accomplishing much.
Let’s say you woke up early you eat breakfast. You get in a few hours of work, then eat lunch and then you do a few more hours of work. Now 3 o’clock comes around and you are ready to hang out with your friends after getting everything done you needed to. You get home from dinner and you’re ready to go to sleep having accomplished much in your day.
See the difference. If you just wake up early. You will be able to get lots more accomplished and be less overwhelmed. If you would like some tips on sleeping better you might want to read 3 Keys For Better Sleep.

9. “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver” – ghandi
This goes right along with quote number 4. Jim Rohn says: “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live” I once heard the saying if we take care of our bodies they will take care of us. That is true.
I know there are many of you out there who are struggling with different ailments like anxiety, depression, brain fog, stomach problems, joint pain, low energy, and many other things. Our mission here at Gardner Gut Gurus is to provide you with solutions for Mental and Physical Wellness.
You can follow us on Pinterest and Instagram at gardnergutgurus and you can get to our Facebook page here.
We look forward to serving you and bringing you solutions for your wellness.