3 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Gut Health

The Gut is our second brain. Having good gut health helps us with mental wellness.

Hippocrates said that “All Disease Starts In The Gut.” I believe he is completely accurate. If your gut hinders you from getting nutrients you will get malnourished. If you are malnourished your body won’t have what it needs to be healthy and strong. Thus, you will be more likely to have sicknesses. Therefore, the key to Mental and Physical wellness truly does lie in the gut.

There are multiple signs that you may have Gut Issues. Here are a few:

Anxiety, Depression, Sleep Problems, IBS, ADD, ADHD, Auto-Immune Diseases, Inflammation, Allergies, Gas, Bloating, Weak Immune System, Diarrhea, Brain Fog, Low Energy, Malnourishment, and more.

There have been many fascinating scientific discoveries around Gut Health and the implications it has on our Physical and Mental Wellness. This is wonderful if we know how to harness this information and use it to optimize our Gut Health which will help us feel better.

Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Phytobiotics are 3 amazingly powerful ways to boost your Gut Health. I struggled with Anxiety for about 18 years and had stomach issues, brain fog, and more. The missing link… My Gut. Once I finally took care of my gut, My health skyrocketed in a positive way. I felt much less anxiety, my energy and sleep quality improved, and my brain fog nearly vanished. It feels so amazing to have my Health back. I can finally take care of my loved ones and I feel like I am finally me.

I found one secret that I will share at the end of this article that was the missing link to my struggles of 18 years. I have learned that you can eat as good as you can but sometimes it just is not enough. Most times people need something to supplement them in addition to what they eat. I will share later in the article the supplement that changed everything for me. It helped me improve my gut health so much that I still take it daily. It has changed my life!

Now, onto the three gut transforming keys:

1.       Prebiotics – “Prebiotic foods contain fibers and carbohydrates that can be fermented and digested by gut bacteria to serve as a fuel source and encourage growth of beneficial bacteria. Examples include asparagus, bananas, green leafy vegetables, garlic, leeks, onions, chicory, artichokes, ginger, and prebiotic supplements” (1)

2.       Probiotics – “Probiotic foods contain live “good bacteria,” which support mental wellness and aid digestion. Examples include fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and probiotic supplements.”(1)

3.       Phytobiotics – “Phytobiotic foods are rich in flavonoids, which protect good bacteria and establish a hospitable environment for the growth of good and displacement of bad bacteria. Examples include apples, grapes, dark chocolate, and berries.”(1)

Below is a great info graphic containing this same information. (You can find the info graphic below and a large amount of other great information in a free mental wellness toolkit here)

Loading your system with healthy foods (including the ones listed above) will give massive improvement to your gut. This in addition to following this mental wellness diet (shown below) can be a powerful combination for improving your gut health and helping you have more energy, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel physically and mentally well.

I think one of the biggest causes of mental wellness issues is a gut imbalance. Having your gut bacteria be imbalanced can hinder your neurotransmitters from doing what they should. (See info graphic below to see what some of our main neurotransmitters do to help us) Up to 90% of your Neurotransmitters are made in your gut. So, if your gut is unhealthy your neurotransmitters will be way out of whack.

As we improve our gut health our neurotransmitters are able to function better. We can then experience the benefits shown in the info graphic above.

In summation:

  1. Eating healthy foods. (Look at the info graphic above as necessary). Eat good fruits, and vegetables as much as possible.

2. Making sure you get prebiotics, probiotics, and phytobiotics. This is very hard for me to do without using a product. You can find what I take daily here. It has the prebiotics, probiotics, and phytobiotics in it. I have tried to eat healthy my whole life but still had bad gut health, anxiety, panic attacks, brain fog, and more. This pack of products is what helped me after trying different things for 18 years. The great thing is that you can try it risk free for 90 days.

If you want to reduce anxiety, stress, brain fog, and increase energy, happiness, and mental wellness then you should explore gut health more. You can find some other great articles about gut health and how it can benefit you below:

5 Warning Signs You Might Have A Gut Issue – https://gardnergutgurus.com/warning-sign-gut-issues/

My Story About Reducing Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Brain Fog, and Stomach Problems – https://gardnergutgurus.com/kyson-story/

What Is The Big Deal With Antibiotics And Gut Health – https://gardnergutgurus.com/antibiotics-and-gut-health/

My Wife’s Story With IBS, Anxiety, Malnourishment, and Low Self Confidence – https://gardnergutgurus.com/sara-story/